December 30, 2010

Quick Dev Update

Happy new year guys !

Let's be honest, I didn't progress a lot this week. But, well, that was kinda expected and I'm still on schedule anyway. Still, I've written the first basic parts of the civilian AI. They now go to the parks when bored, to bed when tired, to a food source when hungry, ... you see the picture [more will be explained on the different AI states in a following article]. going to work, police/gang patrols and general combat will follow next. I added a few buildings types (restaurants, various housing types). Pathfinding is also much faster now and perfectly able to travel across regions. As a result, the current build featuring basic AI is paradoxically much faster than the previous one featuring absolutely nothing. That's basically all I can tell about this week's development. It's my shortest dev update so far, but putting the basics of the AI in place was a lot of trial and error. Now that it's done, new behaviors will be added at a much faster rate.

And, yes, an article detailing the combat system will follow very soon.


  1. sounds great. so looking forward to your game, next year...Happy New Year!

  2. any idea when you might have a beta version?

  3. @hawk : you too :)

    @anon : A first proof of concept should be available at the end of this month. This project is only 2 months old and I'm alone coding on it, so don't expect anything fancy. Something that looks more like a game (alpha version) may be released between March and April depending on my planning.
