February 26, 2011

Dev Update: OMG Zombies !

Yeah, zombies! I added a new game-mode to demonstrate the flexibility of my little engine (only 30-50 additional lines of code required to include the option). As you can see in the screenshot above, it's a zombie apocalypse scenario. 5% of the population spawn as zombies. People killed by zombies immediately respawn as another mindless undead. They are very tough, and regenerate health quickly. Your starting pistol is no match against them and you'll have to get a shotgun or rifle quickly as they will definitively conquer the whole city in a few hundred turns. On the bright side, money will be laying pretty much everywhere by that time. Before you ask, no I am not gonna do a Rogue Survivor 2.0, it's just a dumb fun survival scenario. It also allowed me to test the combat routines at a large scale and fix a rather large amount of potential bugs which would have arisen with the 'faction' tree of the roadmap.

But that's not all, many other changes were made.
And I have an approximate release date for the next version.

On the economical side, factories are working, most shops now have safes where the goods are stored. At the moment, the player can loot those safe without any repercussion, but it will be changed before release so he has to pick the lock, with a chance of triggering an alert calling any cop in the neighborhood. And btw, here's the window used to handle containers in general:

Simple. Double clicking on item will move the stack from a side to another, right clicking allows to move given amounts (1,2,5,10). This window (or a variation) will probably replace the trading one so the player can sell his goods to given shops.

I also added a few building types and altered existing ones, here's a few screenshots on that matter:
This is the new Grocery Shop, it obviously sells food items and can be found in most districts. You can notice the safe containing the shop' stocks. Couriers will retrieve items from depots or factories and deposit those in these safes. As explained earlier, you (and NPC gang members) be able to crack the safes to get free loot.

Here's the pub. It's a variation of the restaurant building. It doesn't always has a shop type activator,  it doesn't have a safe, and you can eat there by bumping into tables. NPC hang out here to eat or to have fun.

The city center's restaurant building. It now has a distinctive sign, NPC are way more likely to eat there if they are wealthy enough. There's no safe to crack in here, though. I have to keep a few locations with unlimited amount of goods for the time being so NPC don't starve to death because of an unbalance of the economy.

Regarding the AI, like I said in a earlier post, NPC actions are less predictable and more diversified. For example the "Idle" routine, when a NPC has no special need to satisfy, has been improved. Instead of just going to a park if available in the current sector or idle aimlessly for exactly 60 turns, they now can buy items at random shops or relax in a pub in addition to the two previous options. Durations have been randomized too. I still have to make the patrol job less dumb (cops/thugs).

I also fixed a ridiculous amount of bugs (most of them not yet visible) and made too numerous random additions and modifications to list here. Sleeping won't cost you money anymore (someone asked about that), though. 

Anyway, there's still a few things to add and fix, but you should get the next version of GRA in more or less two weeks.


  1. This could be an interesting mechanic for disease spread.

    Not necessary "omg zombies", it could work for any type of disease.

  2. By the way, I'm loving the new buildings :D.

    The main problem with Rogue Survivor (because you already start to talking about it) was too "generic" look of buildings, without much purpose. I always wanted Roguedjack to add some offices, more distinct shops, bars etc.

    So yeah, the more variety in buildings, the merrier!

  3. @diseases:

    Yes, I am thinking about this feature. Something along those lines:

    1) Game generate a random disease with negative effects on the NPC.
    2) Sick NPC go see a doctor
    3) Doctor(s) research and find a cure
    4) Cure Item produced by factories
    5) Cure Item sold in hospitals

    It could be interesting. I'll think about this concept when I am done with the more urgent business.


    Thanks. More will be released when they become relevant to the game (banks, subway, plaza, malls, police stations, gang hideouts, to name a few).

  4. Yeahhhhh....
    Wow Serial Kicked, thank you so much. This was exactly what I was hoping for. What inspired you to add diseases and the "omg zombies"?

    This is coming along very nicely.

    Is there any way I can get publicity or help you in any other way?

    Need Concept Ideas? or what?

    I know you said several weeks ago that you didn't need help. But may I atleast ask if I can Test your current build out?
    If so feel free to email me at dethmeker@gmail.com
    Btw let me know its you.

    Thanks mate.

  5. Those new buildings look good and the gui too =)

  6. Any chance to see more organized furniture inside of houses? At least keep tables and stuff in the center, but beds/shelves near walls :). It would look much better.

  7. @Aaron:

    I appreciate the enthusiasm :) but there's not much you can do at this time. Accepting requests or new concepts at such an early stage in the development wouldn't be beneficial to GRA. Later, sure, I will be more open to suggestions. This said, you can still post any idea you have, just don't expect them to be included before all the stuff I have already planned is done.

    Releasing private versions to 'testers' isn't really necessary, and moreover it has never been my policy (for better or for worse).


    Yes, I will improve the mechanism at some point and I have some clues on how to do it more or less properly. Also, large buildings will have different rooms, and some may have several floors.

  8. The dynamic economy is really interesting.
    Are extreme conditions like famine/overflow possible through normal usage of the economy or do they happen only if the player/gangs AIs mess things up or is the system constrained in some way to stable states?
    As a player I love to throw wrenches in dynamic system and watch things go crazy :p

  9. I'm assuming you're talking about the final product, because for now I have a hard time telling my couriers to supply the correct shops. Especially without fast transportation. So for now, there's several sources providing an infinite supply of critical goods.

    However when the economic tree will be completed, the only constraint available in the game will be how the map and NPC generators are built. They are designed to produce a functional city (at least in most of cases) and that's all.

    After that if the gangs, the player or some kind of zombie invasion decides to kill all food workers, yeah the city may starve to death :)

    In my next project, covering a world (or at least a very large zone), cities will trade goods to mitigate the effect. But here again, if someone manage to kill more food workers than the game is spawning, you will starve the world.

    [the same applies to any kind of item of course]
