March 2, 2011

Design : Picklocking Mechanism

As pick-locking will be featured in the next version of GRA, I guess it's time to explain how it will be done even if things will probably improved during the development process.

Each container has two randomly determined values: Lock Strength and Security Rating. The first one determines how hard it will be to pick the lock itself. The second is how strong your chance of being detected if you fail to unlock the container.

First your Lockpicking skill modified by both your agility and perception is compared to the strength of the lock. I won't give the exact formula, but know that even if maxing all your relevant stats and skill values will grant you the ability to open the weak to medium locks without issues, the strong ones will still have a fair chance of resisting you for a while. Secondly, if you fail to pick the lock, a formula comparing your stealth skill to the lock' security rating will be made. If you fail the roll your alert level will rise, otherwise you'll stay undetected. Successful attempts will raise your skill by 5 points, failed attempt will provide a single point.

Unlocked containers may be locked back by NPC.

Also, general stores can sell lock-picking tools of variable quality. Using them before trying to open a lock will provide a temporary boost to your lock-picking skill.

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