February 14, 2011

Released : GRA 0.2.1 - Test Build

GRA v0.2.1 is now available in the download section.

Note: The initial 0.2.1 release had a nasty bug causing medical supplies to eat your health. You can re-download the game now, it's fixed. Sorry about that mistake.

This new version adds general stores and shops into hospital zones and restaurants to accommodate the several new health, sleep, and food related items that have been added to the game. An item editor has been included but no effect editor yet. Gang members have been added. Attacking them shouldn't trigger a response from the police. However they are still very basic and prone to trigger bugs and small slowdowns to the game. You can enable/disable them when starting a new game. The GUI has been improved a bit, you can see the statistic of weapons and items in your inventory and when shopping.

Full changelog is below.

v0.2.1 - Public Test Release (389 builds)
  • Added preliminary support for misc items (comm, drugs, jewelery, food...)
  • Effect Editor Added [disabled]
  • Misc Item Editor Added
  • Linked items and related sprites to the GUI
  • Improved TShop activator to handle misc items
  • Added General Stores to a few map types
  • Stamina Gauge and info added (placeholder)
  • "Use Item" command added to the inventory
  • Added Health Packs, Energy Drinks, Pizzas to stores
  • Added General Store trader NPCs
  • Added Ability for stores to allow/forbid illegal/legal items
  • Container activator added
  • Numerous speed optimizations (out of sector calculations, system cache)
  • Ability for items to handle multiple effects (up to five)
  • Added Weapon and Item Info panel to inventory and shopping screens
  • Changed the Player Info shortcut from ctrl+c to ctrl+j to avoid issues when copy/pasting
  • Altered the look of a few windows
  • Fixed : Possible crash related to shops [not enough items in the database to fill the shop = crash]
  • Fixed : Game crashes when restarting a game if a target is selected
  • Fixed : The game was spawning owners for beds located in hospitals (or anything not a house)
  • Fixed : Issue in MoveFollow causing a possible crash on NPC -> NPC chasing
  • Fixed : Respawning NPC where keeping previous pathing data leading to errors when trying to move
  • Fixed : Possible small memory leak when deleting dead NPC from the game
  • Fixed : A few issues when trying to use the menus while the game is not started.


  1. Err... medical supplies TAKE AWAY your health, not heal it.

  2. Oops, sorry about that, mixed a few folders while building the archive. It's fixed now, and uou can re-download the game.

  3. Hey Serial
    Its Aaron, again.
    Just wanted to say that this new 2.1 version really kicks me in the head. in a good way.
    The gang bangers and a new flavor and I love going into buildings see where the gangs had had standoffs and there is money lieing all about.
    Keep up the good work. I'm still watching this game.

  4. Hey,
    good looking game so far here. I've been running around in 0.2.1b for the last hour or so now, and it seems to have some more or less minor issues at the moment, like ...
    - beds and doors more often than not seem to refuse to being "used" by the player. This actually forces me to survive on energy drinks right now. Well. Closely mirrors real life, apparently.
    - same items bought from different stores don't stack in the inventory. Like, now I have two stacks for medium health kits, which does little more than clobber the inventory.
    - vanishing NPCs: very rarely, an NPC disappears from my field of view for one turn only to reappear the next turn still inside my field of view, but on the other side from me, like we've been occupying the same tile for the middle turn. Although it could be supposed to be this way.
    - and by far the most serious: should you *really* be able to buy Happy Fat Meals at hospitals? :D

    Keep it going ;-)

  5. Okay, I've started to incorporate parts of my own tileset (I have a huge amount of tiles because I tried to make my own rogue-like but stopped midway because I didn't have a good planning) and it seems to be easy to do so:


    If you want to see more of my tiles, you can look at the Genesis mod for Rogue Survivor:


    Finally, here's how it would look in my own game:


    If you are interested in my sprites, just tell me, and I will work on it. I don't want to spend a lot of time if it's not needed :P.

    Also, do you plan to have overlays of clothing? It would be cool to see clothing/armor/weapons on your character sprite (like Roguejack did it in RS). There's definitely no need to be so extreme with overlays as I was in my game (every clothing was shows :D).

    Also, can you move to .png transparency support? .bmp + alpha is quite cumbersome :D.

    Thank you in advance.

  6. @Deon:

    Thanks, it indeed looks better, so yes I am interested. Not sure I am going to put overlays in place, though. The graphic library I am using isn't really fast (not using directX) so adding several layers for clothing is gonna put too much stress on the CPU.

    And yes, I should support PNG, and will as soon as i find some time to do so. But as for pretty much everything else, I have a fairly long roadmap ahead of me, rewriting things that are basically working isn't a top priority.


    Nice findings, I would have completely overlooked the first bug otherwise. It seems that the sleepiness/hunger can go in negative when using inventory items, causing weird behaviors like the beds not working. Easy to fix, though. The second issue is known and corrected in my current build. The 3rd one is weird one, the random food item should not appear at all in hospitals, but I was tired and decided to publish the game anyway as it's not exactly a game-breaking bug.


    Thanks. I should tell the NPC to collect money too, as it makes things a bit too easy otherwise.

  7. It would be nice if they didn't collect ALL money though :). So you could randomly find them (it could mean that they were alerted by passer-by or a cop, and ran away).

  8. Oh and I would like to ask, what type of character sprites would you want, SK? Your current ones seemed to be ripped from some japanese game or something pretending to be like it, because they have an anime look. Please show me a few sprites you want your game to look like :).

  9. Okay, I see, your current sprites are from Police Story...

    I tried to work in the same style, here's a police enforcer with a smg:


    It looks like I can. Still, which style do you prefer?

  10. About the money:

    Well, once NPC have learned how to deposit money and other stuff in their containers, stealing things will be implemented (not to forget pickpocketing). Meanwhile I'll keep it as it is.

    About the sprites:

    Nice finding, yeah gang and police are ripped from this game (never heard of it). Other NPC come from a sprite generator I found on the internet. And it seems that most furniture are from RPG Maker tilesets.

    I kinda like this style and your police enforcer looks really good imho. So yes, if you can it's okay to go with this style :)
