March 7, 2011

Released : Grand Rogue Auto 0.2.6 [Test Build]

GRA 0.2.6 is available in the download section.

This release fixes some major issues introduced in 0.2.5. An issue related to some lockpicks and probably other items, causing them not to have any effect was resolved. The alert level penalty for a failed picklock has been toned down a bit. And the erroneous alert level displayed in the user interface is fixed too. Using an item from your inventory is now costing a turn. And no, infinite use of items per turn (or reloading from the inventory) wasn't feature, it was a bug.

Dead NPC will drop their whole inventory instead of just some money. 

Controls have been expanded: [Shift] + Left Click will move your player automatically to the selected tile. Left Click anywhere will move you one step toward that direction. Moving the mouse over a container will display your chance of picking the lock and the chance of being detected in case of failure. The 'X' key, for eXamine, can be used to look around and get a description for whatever NPC or object. A full post detailing the controls is available on the new official GRA Wiki.

v0.2.6 - Bug Fixes and Misc Stuff
  • [Gameplay] Using an item will consume a turn
  • [Gameplay] The alarm rating of some containers has been tuned down a bit.
  • [NPC] Dead NPC drop all their inventory instead of just the money
  • [NPC] Pickpockets added to the game
  • [GUI] Moving the mouse over a container will display it's relative lock difficulty
  • [GUI] Left clicking anywhere will move the player toward this point
  • [GUI] Shift+LeftClick = player moving automatically to the selected tile
  • [GUI] Examine (X) key added
  • [GUI] Player Info window displays the effects (+duration) applied to the character
  • Fixed : Erroneous alert level displayed in the GUI
  • Fixed : Reloading from the inventory wasn't passing a turn
  • Fixed : Wrong value for most lockpicks, making them useless
  • Fixed : God mode vulnerable to sleeping


  1. I'd rather see a left-mouse-click on tile to move there, without the shift key, because thats what you would use the most, and not having to use the keyboard then would be nice. Also a marker on the selected tile (path?) would be cool.

  2. You should probably show a warning-popup-box before picking the lock, or doing some other action on stuff that will have consequences.

    Is it supposed to cost money to eat from fridges?

  3. I tend to agree on the shift+click subject, but I chose that way to prevent wrong clicks leading to certain deaths. It will stay that way until I figure an non intrusive way to stop the action when the player is in danger. Some kind of marker/path will probably appear at a stage or another.

    About the warning message. I am looking for a less aggressive way as I don't like the idea of systematic confirmation windows very much. I may use some kind of command cycle: Pressing a key could switch between several modes like picklock, examine, and others. So, as long as the player is in examine mode he won't crack a safe by accident. It would merge very well with the engine, but I don't know yet how practical it would be to the player.

    About fridges, it's normal for now. They will act as normal (food) containers as soon as private property and the economic part of the game are solid enough.

  4. If you walk into a strangers house (or steal from it), wouldn't it be natural that the owner (or other NPC) would alert the police. So that until you get your own house you'd have to rent a house/hotel but you could still steal from houses or kill the owner and just live there.

  5. It's part of the next update regarding the private property. People will store items in their house and react to illegal actions taken against them in a (bit) more coherent manner.

    It's a fairly large portion. Beside the whole get/deposit stuff part, I have to tell my NPC to close and lock their door and allow them to 'scan' the environment for intruders while they are in their home. Telling them to call the cops and having those cops reacting accordingly will follow soon after that.
