March 5, 2011

Development Policies

Looking at the recent comments, I think it's best to remind everyone a few facts about the game's development process. 

Grand Rogue Auto, is a pre-alpha software. Gameplay is not representative of the final product at all. You've recently been complaining about the difficulty to open safes, and I caught a few annoying bugs that made  things much harder than they should be, so thanks for that. But keep in mind that most of the game balancing elements are still not in place. The final product will feature trainers in the various skills, alert level reducing  items; player leveling, and such. Even the way cops are responding is not representative of the final product until the Faction tree of the RoadMap is completed. The general idea here is to have a working city first, balancing the player's abilities is not a primary concern for the time being.

A lot of roguelikes follow weird version numbering systems where something like 0.1.7 is some kind of beta/gold product. GRA has a more standardized numbering. 0.25 is, code-wise, basically an 1/4 progress toward the final product. Alpha status will be reached around version 0.7 and Beta status at 0.9.  So I am currently still working on including the general concepts (economy, factions, AI). Alpha stage will be used to polish those new features, and Beta to balance things around the player and fixes remaining bugs.

Also, I am currently creating a GRA Wiki. It will serve as a documentation center related to the game and should be online at the same time as the 0.2.6 release.


  1. You need people to whine like a horde of children, encourages you to keep working.

  2. True, true.

    I am not complaining, the project is rather popular for something so early in the development. It's just that linking to this post is likely to be my generic answer toward balance-related suggestions for a little while.
