March 3, 2011

Released : Grand Rogue Auto 0.2.5 [Test Build]

GRA 0.2.5 has been released !

You can grab it in the download section of this website.

This new version adds a large amount of features, most of them are related to the economic system and the NPC AI. I won't explain here all the changes because they are too numerous to list in a single post, but there's a (massive) changelog at the end of this post for those who are interested. However I will detail here the major highlights of this new version.

The GUI had a large overhaul and introduces buttons and a quick access bar which work the same as in any Diablo-like or MMO. You can see your chance to hit your target. Several new statistics have been added to your player info window. You cannot put weapons in the bar yet and there's still some work to do, especially with the mouse handling (and yes, moving using the mouse will definitively be improved in next version).

The economy is more or less rolling. Factories have been added to the game and the content of non weapon related shops is depending on their production. It still needs some heavy tuning, though. The factory districts are ugly as possible, but like every other map types, they will be reworked to be more "random" and better looking at a later stage.

Several new NPC jobs, buildings and items have been added to the game. The item and effect modding editors are now fully functional. Good luck figuring how to use those, though ;)

NPC AI has largely been improved. Actions chosen by NPC are more varied and much less predictable. They can buy and use most items too. It doesn't reflect in combat yet, though. The cops are also much less likely to ignore you (except when on break, of course) while passing right next to you.

Gameplay wise, you can try to lockpick containers (and buy lock-picks to help you in that task) to get goods for free. You can use burst shots granted you have a weapon supporting this firing mode, so SMG are now a viable option. NPC don't use the feature yet, though. Your "Player Info" screen includes several new statistics and a global score (hall of fame coming next). Also most weapon related skills have now a real impact in-game, skill points are between 0 and 1000 now (instead of 255). And a new survival game mode has been added, with zombies :)

There's also an unsupported and buggy real-time mode. It's in the debug menu.

The addition of stealing from containers somehow break the balance of the game in the favor of the player. It will be corrected when the police will be less dumb. Item/weapons prices and effect are probably not balanced, but that's a minor concern that will be slowly corrected in next version.

Speaking of what's coming, the next major release will finish the economical part of the game and introduces NPC to NPC interactions. So you'll probably get active doctors, pickpockets, and a range of new options both for the player and the NPC.

And here's the full changelog:

v0.2.5 - Economic Tree Part One
 (+) [Gameplay] Added ability to pick locks to the player
 (+) [Gameplay] Full support for item effects
 (+) [Gameplay] Added Zombie Mode
 (+) [Gameplay] Using beds in houses doesn't cost money anymore
 (+) [Gameplay] Optional, buggy and unsupported realtime setting
 (+) [Gameplay] combat skills increase by scoring kills and successful hits
 (+) [Gameplay] Sleepiness increases 50% slower
 (+) [Gameplay] Score and other statistics added to the player info window
 (+) [Gameplay] Several new items
 (+) [Combat] HtH, Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun skills are now used by the combat system
 (+) [Combat] Added burst shot handling (smg are now viable)
 (+) [AI] NPC can go shopping
 (+) [AI] NPC can use items from their inventory
 (+) [AI] NPC are more likely to move across the map and go at the restaurant
 (+) [AI] Actions chosen by NPC have more variety than before
 (+) [AI] Patrol type jobs (police, thugs) more likely to change sector
 (+) [AI] Patrol type jobs improved so they can scan for enemies while moving
 (+) [AI] In sector pathfinder more precise (but a bit slower)
 (+) [NPC] Factory Workers added to the game
 (+) [NPC] Zombies added to the game (for specific game mode)
 (+) [NPC] Couriers added to the world (moving goods from factories to shops)
 (+) [World] Put distinctive sign to restaurants
 (+) [World] Added Industrial District map type (will be redesigned later)
 (+) [World] Added factories and depots
 (+) [World] Added pubs to the city street map types
 (+) [World] A lot of new decorative furniture
 (+) [World] Food stores added to the world
 (+) [World] Most shops' stock is depending on factory production
 (+) [GUI] Added 5 quick access buttons assignable to items from the player's inventory
 (+) [GUI] Added durability indicator to Inventory window when necessary
 (+) [GUI] Added toolbar for quick access to main commands
 (+) [GUI] It's now possible to enforce the correct aspect ratio
 (+) [GUI] Added a window to manage containers (retrieve/deposit items)
 (+) [GUI] Double click in inventory -> use item or equip weapon
 (+) [GUI] Added Hit Chance indicator when a target is selected
 (+) [GUI] Recolored player info window
 (+) [GUI] Added a window displaying the keyboard/mouse controls to the help menu
 (+) [Engine] Code optimizations, database access done through pointers
 (+) [Engine] Several improvements related to containers, inventory and work items
 (+) [Engine] Moved to latest unofficial revision of Graphics32
 (*) Fixed : Influence of charisma over item prices was too generous
 (*) Fixed : Issue causing the first two NPC not to do anything
 (*) Fixed : Needs going into negative when using items
 (*) Fixed : Items not stacking correctly in inventory
 (*) Fixed : Some zones were not assigned to a sector causing exception type errors
 (*) Fixed : Targeting error message
 (*) Fixed : Blood spilled could spawn out of the map causing possible memory corruption
 (*) Fixed : Several combat/death related AI issues
 (*) Fixed : First items of the wrong category found in shops (food in hospitals bug)
 (*) Fixed : Furniture placement was spawning one less furniture than expected
 (*) Fixed : Hospital beds not healing fully if the player is not sleepy enough
 (*) Fixed : Collecting money while in ghost mode


  1. Hell Yeah Serial,
    Thanks so much, testing asap...
    I'm really impressed so far and thank you
    for trying to release it asap.
    Btw do you goto school?
    and how long have you spent on this?

  2. Thanks for the release!

    Im sure you are planning on it, but I'd think it would be cool if you added jobs/missions either via poster or by talking to NPC's. Like 'kill a person' or 'steal some goods' at that location in a certain time. GTA style.

    Keep up the great work!

  3. Note that this release received very little play testing, so expect "some" issues. Report them so i can fix theses asap.


    I'm technically a professional programmer, but not in the gaming area, so school days are long gone for me. If you've been playing counter-strike 1.6 before the Steam years, you may have used AWPunk to find your server, it was made by me. GRA is my first step at being an indie developer. Hopefully gathering some donations along the way :)

    For the time spent, I don't know as it varies a lot from a week to another. Let's say it takes me, on average, around 2 or 3 hours a day. And the project began in November 2010.


    Yes, dynamic and randomly generated missions are planned (as said in the roadmap page). It will however be the last step in the development, as I need to put the environment in place first :)

  4. is it normal that when i fail at lock picking that i become most wanted and police kill me...if so please lower it down a bit.

  5. oh and needs still increase as a ghost

  6. oh and on god mode when sleeping you can be killed by zombies

  7. 1) I understand the concern, but lockpicking is designed to be hard. The difficulty rating will more likely increase than decrease. At the moment, the ability to pick lock made the game way too easy with a good character build.

    A few notes, though.

    - groceries have lower level locks compared to general stores and factories. They are perfect training targets, and cops are less likely to bust in compared to factories or other stores. You'll still need around 300 or 400 in skill to have a fair chance of breaking those in the first try.

    - Lockpicking without using a lockpick toolkit first is a *very* bad idea.

    - Spamming lockpicking attempts against a safe is also a very bad idea. You'll have to be patient, build up the skill, and admit defeat against some locks. Rules are explained in the previous post.

    - You must train your lockpicking skill to successfully crack safes. High agility and perception help, a bit. Additional stat boosting drugs may also help, but none are present atm in an un-modded game.

    Next version will allow to "examine" the safe first to get a rough estimation of the difficulty.

    2) Ghost mode is a post death camera mode and needs have no impact, so it's kinda irrelevant.

    3) Thanks, i will fix that.

  8. A biiiig request. Could you try to follow more "realistic" than "balanced" way? I know the gameplay is a major factor, but things like most wanted from picking a lock break the immersion for me :). After all, it's a single player game, so fun>balance ;).

    A great update, I will post my thoughts after I playtest it :).

  9. gameplay wise there's no difference between most wanted and any other "illegal" status at the moment.

    The issue is that I've changed the skill system which scale between 0 and 1000 instead of 255 now, and did several changes to the alert level to accommodate this, but apparently i put over the top values in some cases (especially as you can't levelup your stealth skill yet), including stealing from safes and burst shots.

    So yeah, I'll reduce the alert level penalty in case of failure while waiting for a better alarm system, and/or add a few alert reducing items, and allow the player to increase his stealth level.

  10. Weeeeeeeeeee thanks for this release =)

  11. Hum, okay, i did something wrong, the duration of the lockpick effects are too short, so most of them won't work.

    It can be corrected easily by going into modding / effect editor, and changing the duration of the various lockpick effects to 2 instead of 1 (and then, starting a new game).

    I'll publish a fix after this weekend, it will correct other minor issues i have spotted so far and add the pickpocket job too.

  12. Hey, could you add a possibility to lock the scale as well as the aspect ratio?

  13. ..That is to a scale which is power of two to the original sprites.

    Also wouldnt it be better if you could bump/walk into beds to use them, also people to get their stats or talk to them, instead of walking on top of things?

  14. .. because its kindof annoying to have to use both keyboard and mouse.. (keyboard only please! )

  15. 1) Aspect Ratio is already in:

    Display / Keep Aspect Ratio.

    Dunno about the scaling. I'll look into it, but it won't make it in the monday bugfix release. You can manually resize the window to achieve the same effect, though.

    2) Beds: Nope. First because people *will* complain if they have to bump for 100+ turns to sleep; and secondly because more similar activators will be included in the long run, like the loot from fallen enemies. "U" key.

    3) NPC: You can already see the description of the NPC using the keyboard ("space" key to cycle). Player bumping into NPC will be implemented later for practical reasons, but NPC will probably continue to be able to occupy the same tile for pathfinding and performance related reasons.

    I don't use mouse controls at all myself (except when buying stuff).

    This said, I'm improving the control scheme at this precise moment. Here's the changes so far:

    Full mouse support
    - Click anywhere = step toward destination
    - Shift + LeftClick = path to the destination automatically
    - Mouse over a safe = show lock difficulty.

    - e'X'amine shortcut added to get the description of a specific location/npc/object. You'll move the cursor around to get the description of whatever npc/object you want.

    You'll never get full stats of NPC ingame. Their description may become a bit more informative when i find some time to do so. Nothing prevent you from looking at the modding editors to see the average stats of the different npc types.

  16. I meant to write 'lock the scale as with the aspect ratio..'. The thing is when you manually adjust the window to adjust the scale, its almost impossible to hit the correct scale where everything is pixel-perfect. I would rather see you make the view larger and the scale stays the same.

    I dont mean you have to bump the bed X times, only once, and that will bring up that thing's particular use menu.

    I think the click / walk-to and mouse hover info thing will be a great!

  17. My big problem is the lock picking, even with starting skill you should be able to actually successfully do it, I mean I went from %0 hunger to one hundred percent, miracle the cops didn't gun me down in the mean time!
